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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Does your butter look like this?

I'm guessing it doesn't. Unless, of course, your two year old (or your husband) likes butter as much as my two year old does.

We are buzzing around here with holiday projects and I'm very pleased to say that much of my shopping is done. I've been knitting like crazy and it's been more fun than stressful. Hallelujah!
Somehow it seems like a miracle to me when things go smoothly this time of year. I'm jaded from years past, and I'm accustomed to a certain level of stress and doom at the holidays. I don't wish to give the impression that we dread Christmas around here. Quite the contrary. It's just a delirious, bipolar time of year for us.

I have some little surprises for a few special people and plans to make more. My list is long.

I did finally finish the little boy's stocking (0n this, his 3rd Christmas). I've forgiven myself for the delay since the results are so sweet.

You can see my (much smaller) stocking at the other end of the mantle. Equally small and missing entirely from the cheerful group is (naturally) my husband's stocking. Poor guy. I knit baby sweater after baby sweater and never a sweater for him... It's sad. His complaints about this lack of knitting love are increasing in frequency. He's begun to make big sad eyes whenever I show him another finished object for one of the boys. I am vowing here and now to
at the very least complete his little stocking and then fill it with good things. I love you, honey.

Another happy, crafty thing which brings us delight (and chocolate) daily is our new advent calendar.

It was inspired by Ellaberry who made similar origami cups and hung them from a broom handle. They are so cheerful and the kids are incredibly excited to get their prize each day.

Lastly, on a sad note, I dedicate this post to Gus.

My old cat Gus died this weekend. I had him for 17 years and I loved him. We were very sorry to see him go and we're still a little shocked that he isn't here driving us crazy by peeing all over the bedroom floor and being sweet by letting us bury our faces in his fluffy fur. He was gentle and good and he always smelled good. Also, he liked to eat rubber bands - but, don't worry, we didn't let him.

Go give your pet a snuggle.
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