Sunflowers in my kitchenIt is difficult for me to decide how to write in my new blog. How much do I really want to share here? How mundane will I allow my blog to become? In the beginning, I pictured myself writing feverishly about all the knitting projects I have planned and ALL the projects I'm finishing (HA!).
In the absense of all that, a little about my week:
Today my room smells like a giant, wet St. Bernard because I washed the wool mattress pad from our bed. I don't like the smell of wet dogs. The baby has discovered how to open the lid of the trash can and takes exuberant joy in distributing trash all over the kitchen floor. He is so cute. He has also managed to remove the door of our little pantry (yes. from it's hinges)and has been removing baking chocolate, little marshmallows and big bags of flour.
See some of the destruction here -- With unfolded laundry in background.
Behold: new boots. Another distraction.
I have worked very hard on
Tulip, but she is bringing me more frustration lately than bliss. What you see here represents the third time I've knit this far and ripped out and knit it again. Part of my frustration is with the pattern itself. I won't go into details now...Aside from that, there are other issues. Either my gauge is way off, or i'm losing more weight than i realized lately. Both are possible, as I'm nursing a baby A LOT and I don't always have time to pay attention to my own nutrition --life is busy. Anyway, Tulip is BIG. I suspect it's my gauge, but I like pretending that I've miraculously reclaimed my 23 year-old body without trying at all. It's hard to feel motivated to complete it when I'm not sure i'll really love it in the end.
BUT, I shall persevere.
The completion of Dad's birthday scarf is next on my list of things to do. Dad's birthday was in May. If you're reading this Dad, consider this proof that you will have your scarf before the first cold day...(you are patient and good).