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Friday, January 26, 2007

BRAVO Wendy Bernard!

Two things make Sahara the most gratifying sweater I've ever knit. One is that nothing, truly nothing, is more delicious to touch than Malabrigo yarn (except maybe cashmere itself). I read on someone's blog recently (it was late, and I was in a daze so forgive me for not remembering whose) that it's impossible not to enjoy knitting a sweater when you want to have sex with the yarn. She was referring to Malabrigo.

As you may be able to discern from my in-progress pictures, I have acquired one hank of a somewhat darker and more solid blue (shade Azul Profundo) for the lace bits. I wanted a more solid color right next to my face and I thought it would be a better choice (less busy) when knitted into lace than the many-valued Oceanos shade that I'm using for the majority of the sweater.

The second thing that makes this sweater a dream to knit is the pattern. It's filled with customization tips that allow the knitter to make the waist more or less fitted, the hips fuller or narrower, the sleeves any length desired etc. It's clearly and thoughtfully written and the top down design is so great. I am loving the way it fits so far and I'm thrilled because this is the first time I've been successful making something for myself that fits so well.

I made a few changes which you may have already noticed. I shortened it by about 3.5 inches. Without the drapey yarn, I thought this length would be more flattering, plus I'm fond of showing off my belt. I also skipped the shirttail shaping, as I thought it would be goofy on my now shortened sweater.

My only complaint is with the graphic design of the pattern itself. Is it really necessary to cram information, instructions, tips and diagrams onto every available centimeter of the page?
It's crowded and cumbersome to find information easily. I wish they had gone ahead and spread it onto the 8 pages it needs. That aside, I am extra pleased.

Next, I begin the sleeves. I'm making them long. Then the lace panel up front to cover the boobies and voila. fini.

Thank you Wendy Bernard, for designing a beautiful sweater and writing a terrific pattern that can suit almost anyone. If you ever find yourself in my neighborhood, I'd love to invite you in for a super good cup of coffee and some knitting.


Gorgeous sweater and a great pattern! You have done a wonderful job and I like the changes you made. Very nice.
I have to admit, I was a bit concerned at first, because I thought the sweater was done when I saw the pictures. I went, "isn't there something missing?" Then I read that you still have to do the front panel...I guess I'm just a moron ;)

At any rate, it looks great now and will look even better when it's all completed. Nice job!
Great job. I love the color and I have always loved the pattern!
I sort if think it looks nice with your life-nurturing boobies hanging out....but suit yourself! I love this shortened shape, (from your short-waisted friend who also delights in showing off her belt as long as the shirt is not tucked in...)You should finish this sweater in Feb because the finished project would showcase two of the Project Spectrum colors!
Oh, you enabler, you! I remembered your Malabrigo comment, and I was at a LYS today, and the woman there was singing the praises of Malabrigo, and I was forced to buy 3 skeins! Forced, I tell you! I got the Curacao colorway from this page: and D and P from this page:

I need to progress beyond scarves now. :)
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