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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Pot Roast and little knitters


Where the heck have I been?

I have so missed my beloved blog. Things aren't quite as much fun when I'm not plotting to share them. There have been so many changes in our lives and they all seem to have directly impacted baby finds a kazoo. My tiny desk in the back of the kitchen has been replaced with a fabulous (and desperately necessary) new food pantry. Until we figure out how to enable our wireless network, the computer remains perched beside the rolled oats on the top of the new pantry. I am writing this as I stand on my tippy-toes.

Don't pity me. I am also drinking a glass of zinfandel as I write this. It's 3:45 pm. Not a typical time of day for me to dip into the stash, but I just put Red Wine Pot Roast with Porcini in the oven and the remainder of the wine begged not to be wasted.

I have completed many projects in recent weeks; most small, a few doozies. I've been sewing, decoupaging, knitting and doing a LOT of laundry. But disaster has struck. My camera appears to be broken. Very sad news for me. Luckily a loaner has been secured and I can begin sharing photos soon.

What else have I been up to? Sharing the knitting love for one.

Meet Ciera and Paloma. Both terrific kids and both gifted with considerable skill in artistic endeavors of all sorts. I was
amazed by the ease with which they picked up knitting. Is it their crafty genes (they also happen to be my little cousins)? Or is it their age (what with brain cells generating every minute)? Seriously, it was spooky how little I had to explain and how quickly they picked it up. I'm fond of these girls. Can you tell?
They have fabulous, super-colorful projects planned. Stay tuned for pictures of them modeling their results.

I have three other equally adorable and fantastic cousins -one of whom is a boy (boy knitters rock!) who I plan to bring into the fold as soon as I can bribe them to come over by offering sugary treats or some other really cool incentive.

Happy Spring!


Yay new knitters! And thanks for making me hungry!
it's good to see you back blogging about the day to day! Even though I see you day to day it's still fun to get your inner thoughts!
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