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Monday, October 22, 2007

My friend Miss J, took these adorable pictures of her girl wearing the baby knee-highs I made her. They don't quite reach her little knees and they will probably only fit her for about 5 minutes, but such is the nature of baby socks. An ephemeral indulgence.

I am touched that she took these shots during the brief period when they actually fit.

As for my feet: HOLY FRICKIN' OUCH! They took a beating during the half marathon challange I ran yesterday. I'm limping around pathetically and wimpering a lot, but my lovely and beautiful husband has been rubbing them (and my sore legs) often. I think I have never loved him more.

As for my girlfriends and running partners Jeanette and Joanne....well there really aren't words for the bond I feel with those two superbabes for joining me (hand in hand in hand) as we crossed the finish line after 13 miles (the last 5 of which was pretty dreadful for me). I'll share a post-race picture with my blog friends soon, despite the lack of knitting/sewing content therein. (You are kind to indulge me).

I have made much progress on the big boy's racing stripe sweater, but sadly I'm once again camera-less and unable to post shots just now. My ever-generous dad loaned me his camera for (an excessive) 6 months and it was finally time to give it back. Thank you, dad!!

more soon...
Monday, October 08, 2007
Check out the cute!

I wish I could take credit for knitting the striking and beautiful cape above.

I can't.

You can see why I had to feature baby Skyler in her deliriously cute cape. Not once but twice. It took all my restraint not to create a mosaic of 25 pictures of only baby Skyler wearing her cape. I was so focused on the little girly that I totally neglected to take a picture of her mama. A tremendous oversight, since Kelena is my consistent and delightful Wool Festival companion. Don't you agree that Kelena deserves serious kudos for that fantastic cape?

Above, you can also see a shot of me with my lovely and hilarious knitting girlfriends Mari, Mona & Carmela. It was so nice to see them there. All of us were giddy and exuding a glow that comes only from being without our children and shopping for yarn.

Yes, I went to the festival without my kiddos. Which made me alternately weepy and exhilarated. I bought many skeins of yarn from Plain & Fancy Sheep & Wool (I LOVE that stuff) and Brooks Farm Yarn. I also bought a beautiful drop spindle and some little balls of roving. This fills me with delight. We'll see where it leads me. For now, I'm just enjoying looking at it and wondering how the hell it works. It's so beautiful and simple, I can hardly believe it makes yarn.

During the trip, I began the big boy's racing stripe sweater exactly 6 times. I had gauge difficulties. And pattern difficulties. And giant gaping hole difficulties. It's not really fun anymore, but I'm praying that effort number seven will lead to success and it will become fun soon. I've settled on the Knitting Pure & Simple Children's Tunic pattern. I will add a kangaroo pocket, racy vertical stripes down the sleeves and one big lightening bolt front and center. The little boy gets a big red star on his.

They are sure to be fabulous. I'll be posting progress shots soon.

Sadly, for my knitting, I have an increasingly demanding running schedule in the early mornings that's forcing me to bed earlier than I would like. My prime knitting time has always been the late hours of night. I love to knit after everyone is asleep and the house is finally quiet.

But, what began as an excuse to get a little exercise has gotten completely out of hand. Now, without my understanding how it happened, two of my girlfriends and I have decided to run the half marathon (!?!) It's totally crazy, but it's true.

After the 21st, you can picture me propped up and knitting wearily with ice packs surrounding my ass and swollen limbs.

Pray for me.

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